Monday, February 16, 2015

اور گرین شرٹس جیت گئیں، آئر لینڈ یا آئرن لینڈ !

کل ایک اور میچ ہوا
جس میں شریک ہونے والی ایک ٹیم کا لباس سبز تھا یعنی وہ بھی  گرین شرٹس تھے
یہ وہ گرین شرٹس نہیں تھے جو کرکٹ کی تاریخ کے نئے اور پرانے ہیروز پر اکثر فخر محسوس کرتے ہیں اور اسی وجہ سے لوگ ان سے بہت توقعات بھی رکھتے ہیں، بلکہ یہ وہ گرین شرٹس والے تھے جن کے پاس کرکٹ کی تاریخ کا کوئ بڑا ہیرو نہیں اور ان کی ٹیم میں کوئ بُوم بُوم بھی نہیں کھیل رہاتھا
اس ٹیم نے ٹاس جیت کر دوسری ٹیم کو کھیلنے کا موقعہ دیا اور خود ہدف لے کر پورا کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا
مخالف ٹیم جسے کالی آندھی بھی کہاجاتاہے ، دو بار (1975 , 1979 ) ورلڈ کپ جیت چکی ہے
کالی آندھی نے 304 رنز بنائے اور گرین شرٹس کو جیتنے کیلئے 305 کا ہدف دیا
گرین شرٹس اس ہدف کو حاصل کرنے میدان میں اترے اور وقت گزرنے کےساتھ ساتھ یہ گرین شرٹس اس ہدف کے قریب تر ہوتے گئے اور بالآخر گرین شرٹس نے یہ پہاڑ نما سکور سر کرکےکرکٹ کی بڑی  بڑی ٹیموں کو ورلڈکپ کا پہلا دھچکا دیا

جی گرین شرٹس پاکستان کی بھی ہیں اور انہیں بھی ایک دن قبل 300 کےسکور کا ہدف حاصل کرنا تھا لیکن فرق یہ ہے کہ یہ گرین شرٹس والے آئیر لینڈ سے تعلق رکھتے تھے جو کامیابی سے یہ 300 سے زائد سکور کرکے میچ جیت گئے اور پاکستان ایسا نہ کرسکا
یہ ورلڈکپ کی تاریخ کا پانچواں کامیابی سے300 سے زائد رنز کرنے کا ہدف تھا ، ان پانچ کامیاب اہداف کے حصول میں تین میں آئر لینڈ کی گرین شرٹس کا نام آتاہے
آئرلینڈ والوں نے ٹیکسٹ بُک کرکٹ کھیلی اور اپنے آپ کو ایک ایسے طالب علم کی حیثیت سے دیکھا جس نے امتحان میں ساری ہدایات غور سے پڑھ کر امتحانی پرچہ دیناہے نہ کہ مضمون کا ایکسپرٹ بن کر

آئر لینڈ کی ٹیم میں ہیرو نہیں تھے کہ وہ سوچتے کہ کوئ بات نہیں یونس خان آؤٹ ہوگیا،تو احمد شہزاد بڑا ہیرو ہے اور وہ سنبھال لے گا اور اگر وہ آؤٹ ہوگیا تو باقی کوئ کم ہیں ایک سے ایک بڑا ہیرو ہے ہمارے پاس، اور پھر کوئ نہ چلا تو آفریدی تو آخری گیندوں پہ چھکے لگا کر جتوا ہی دیگا

وائے افسوس کہ پاکستانی ٹیم کو یہی بڑا پن لے ڈوبا جبکہ آئر لینڈ کے ہر کھلاڑی نے سمجھا کہ ہم میں سے کوئ بھی بہت بڑا نہیں لہذا ہم سب نے پوری ذمہ داری کےساتھ اس ہدف کو پورا کرنے میں حصہ ڈالنا ہے اور بالآخر آئرلینڈ کی گرین شرٹس نے وہ کر دکھایا جس پر دنیائے کرکٹ انگشت بدنداں ہے اور آئیرلینڈ نےورلڈ کپ کا ایک ہیرو کیطرح آغاز کیا

پچھلے دو دنوں میں دنیا نے گرین شرٹس میں ماضی کےچیمپیئن بھی دیکھے اور مستقبل کےچیمپیئن بھی 
دونوں گرین شرٹس تھیں لیکن ان میں ایک اور رنگ کا فرق تھا اور وہ تھا جیت کا رنگ
سبز رنگ میں بہت سے پیغامات ہیں اور یہ بہت سی اچھی چیزوں کی علامت سمجھا جاتاہے
امید ہے کہ پاکستان اپنی ہار کےسرخ سگنل پر چونک کر بیدار ہوگا اور زمہ داری کا مظاہرہ کرتےہوئے گرین سگنل پر ورلڈ کپ کے اگلےمرحلےمیں داخل ہوگا 

اے کاش پاکستان بھی آئرلینڈ کیطرح سبز رنگ کی لاج رکھے اور آئیندہ جیت کا رنگ پاکستان کی گرین شرٹس پر بھی نظر آئے اور وہ بھی  اپنے آپ کو آئیرلینڈ کی ٹیم کیطرح آئیرن لینڈ والی ٹیم یعنی فولادی اعصاب کی مالک ٹیم ثابت کرے۔

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

کہیں گستاخی ہو نہ جائے! ایک مکالمہ

" مذہب کی بات نہ کرو
کہیں گستاخی ہو نہ جائے"

بیٹا:امی میں نے سیرت النبی پر تقریر کرنی ہے
ماں: بیٹا کسی اور موضوع پر کر لو

بیٹا: کیوں
ماں: دیکھو ہم نےاس ملک میں رہناہے

بیٹا: اس ملک میں رہنے سے سیرت پر تقریر سےکیاتعلق
ماں: تم ابھی بچے ہو نہیں سمجھو گے

بیٹا:لیکن ہم ایک اسلامی ملک میں رہتے ہیں اور میں کوئ گستاخی تو نہیں کرنے جارہا 
ماں: بیٹا تم تو گستاخی نہیں کرنے جارہے لیکن دوسرے اسے گستاخی بنا کر پیش کرسکتےہیں 

بیٹا: لیکن میں ان سے ثبوت مانگوں گا گستاخی کا اور بتاؤں گا کہ میں نے تو آپ کی سیرت بیان کی ہے گستاخی نہیں کی
ماں: اس کا موقع ملےگا تو پھر نا
تمہاری نہ داڑھی ہےاور نہ تمہارے والد مولوی ہیں بلکہ ایک معمولی کاروبار کرتےہیں، اگر تم مولوی ہو یا تمہارے والد مولوی ہوں تو تمہیں معافی کا موقعہ ملےگا ورنہ گھر تک نہیں پہنچ سکتے صحیح سلامت

بیٹا: لیکن کیسی معافی اور کیسی سزا جبکہ میں نے کوئی گستاخی بھی نہیں کی
ماں: جب ایک دفع گستاخی کا الزام لگ جائے تو پھر اگر مولوی ہو تو معافی سے مسئلہ ہوتاہے ورنہ عوام جلا دیتی ہے، قتل کر دیتی ہے یا جیل کی سلاخوں کے پیچھے یا ملک چھوڑنا پڑتاہے
اور اس کےعلاوہ کاروبار تباہ ہوجاتاہے

بیٹا:یہ تو سراسر ذیادتی اور ظلم ہے
ماں: بس بیٹا جو بھی ہےاس سے بچ کے رہو

بیٹا:کیا کوئ قانون ہماری حفاظت نہیں کرسکتا
کہتےہیں قانون آپ کو جیل میں ڈال کر آپ کی حفاظت کرتاہے ورنہ آپ یا جان سے ہاتھ دھو بیٹھتے ہیں یا ملک سے باہر جانا پڑتاہے

بیٹا: یہ کیسا قانون ہے؟
ماں: اس گستاخی یا توہین کا قانون کہتےہیں،جس میں سزائے موت،لمبی قید اور جرمانہ ہوسکتاہے

بیٹا: کیا یہ قانون قرآن میں بیان ہواہے اور ہر اسلامی ملک میں ہے؟
ماں: نہیں 

بیٹا: تو پھر یہاں کیوں ہے؟
ماں: یہ بات مجھے تو کہہ دی ہےلیکن خیال کرنا ایسی بات باہر کسی سے نہ کرنا

بیٹا: کیوں؟
اگر اس قانون میں کسی قسم کی تبدیلی یا اس کیخلاف کوئی بات کروگےتو تم پر کوئ گستاخی کا الزام لگا کر مار دیگا جیسے ایک بڑی شخصیت کےساتھ کچھ عرصہ پہلے ہوا 

بیٹا: کیا خدا تعالیٰ بخشنے والا نہیں ہےاور کیاتوبہ نہیں کی جاسکتی؟
ماں: بیٹا تمہیں بتایا تھا کہ خدا سے بخشش اور توبہ کی اجازت صرف مولویوں کیلئے ہے،عام آدمی پر الزام لگےتو وہی ہوتاہےجو تمہیں بتاچکی ہوں

بیٹا: تو میں اب  کیا کروں کس چیز پہ تقریر کروں
ماں: بیٹا اگر ہوسکےتوخاموش رہو اور کسی چیز پہ بھی تقریر نہ کرو
خاص طور پر مذہب کی بات نہ کرو
کہیں گستاخی نہ ہوجائے

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

احتجاج ٬ڈرامے اور حقیقت کی مار

احتجاج ٬ڈرامے اور حقیقت کی مار

ماں:  یہ کپڑےکیوں پھٹےہیں اور آنکھ پہ نیل کیساہے

بیٹا:  کچھ دوستوں نےمل کےپروگرام بنایا تھا کہ سکول نہیں جائیں گےاورسب مل کےسکول کےباہر احتجاج کریں گے۔

ماں:  لیکن کیوں؟

بیٹا:  ہم نےسوچا تھا کہ سکول کےبچوں اور کچھ باہر کےلوگوں کو ساتھ ملا کر سکول کےباہر تب  تک احتجاج کریں گےجب تک سکول کےپرنسپل کو تبدیل نہیں کر دیا جاتا
ابھی ہم نےاحتجاج شروع ہی کیا تھا اور ہم بچوں اور اساتذہ کو سکول جانےسے روک رہے تھے کہ سکول کے پرنسپل نےپولیس بلوا لی اور انہوں نےجو ہاتھ آیا اسکی خوب پٹائ کی٬کچھ لوگ میری طرح بھاگ گۓ اور باقیوں کو پولیس تھانےلےگئ

ماں: کیا تم لوگوں کو نہیں پتہ تھاکہ تمھاری اس حرکت کا کیانتیجہ نکلےگا؟

بیٹا: جب ہم پروگرام بنارہےتھےتو میں نےدوستوں کو کہا تھا کہ پٹائ ہو سکتی ہے
لیکن دوستوں نےکہا :
"کہ زمانہ بدل گیاہے
ٹی وی پہ دیکھو لیڈرعوام کو سڑکوں پر لا کر پارلیمنٹ کاگھیراوٴ کرنےکی کوششیں کر رہے ہیں٬اسمبلی کارکنوں کو اندر جانےسےروکنےکی کوشش کر رہے ہیں٬کس نےان کی پٹائ کی یا انہیں جیل میں ڈالا؟"
ہمیں اسکی بات سمجھ آگیٴ اور اس کے ساتھ احتجاج میں شامل ہو گۓ

ماں: تمہیں کتنی بار منع کیاہے کہ ٹی وی اور فلمیں دیکھ کر ہیرو یا ولن  بننےکی کوشش نہ کیا کرو
دیکھو ان سب ڈراموں اور فلموں کےپیچھےجو پروڈیوسر ہوتاہےوہ سب سنبھال لیتاہےوہ جب تک چاہتاہےولن کو بد معاشی کی اداکاری کراتا رہتاہےاور کوئ قانون اس پہ ہاتھ نہیں ڈال سکتا اور پھر جب چاہےاسےاندر بھی کروا سکتاہے
اسی طرح پروڈیوسر فلم کے ہیرو سے بہادری کے ایسے ڈائیلاگ اور ایسی حرکتیں کرواتاہےکہ اصلی ذندگی میں ہیرو ایسا کرنے کا سوچ بھی نہیں سکتا

اب پتہ چلا کہ ڈرامے اور حقیقت میں کیافرق ہے؟

بیٹا: جی امی خوب پتہ چل گیاہے
ماں: کاش یہ بات مار کھاۓبغیر ہی سمجھ آجاتی!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pakistan, 1947-1974: transformation of land of the Pure to the land of Infidels

Pakistan, 1947-1974: transformation of land of the Pure to the land of Infidels:

We are hearing now days on media about very frequent incidents of killing of shea community and its reactions.
Most of the shea supporters are accusing “takfiris” for this mass murder and putting “Takfir” as a root cause of killing of innocent people.
Takfir is urdu word meaning the act of declaring somebody infidel and “Takifri” is famous as a nick name for those who declare others infidels.
Everybody is asking where Pakistan went wrong as a state in this background.
There were two important sessions of Pakistan Assembly at two different times in the history about policy on religion and related issues.
First session was held on 11 August 1947 and second session was held in August-September 1974
Ideology of Land of the Pure (1947)
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, mentioned in his first Address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in August 11, 1947:
“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed -- that has nothing to do with the business of the State. …………..The Roman Catholics and the Protestants persecuted each other……………………………………………………… ….. We are starting with this fundamental principle: that we are all citizens, and equal citizens, of one State……… ……………Today, you might say with justice that Roman Catholics and Protestants do not exist; what exists now is that every man is a citizen, an equal citizen of Great Britain, and they are all members of the Nation.”
Land of the pure drifts to the Land of infidels(1974)
Despite the following clear statement of founder of Pakistan, the business of the state of Pakistan in August 5, 1974 to September 7 1974 was religion.
“You may belong to any religion or caste or creed -- that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”
It was just after 27 years of above address of Jinnah, in August-September 1974, there were Proceedings of the special committee of the whole house on the question of “status in Islam of persons who do not believe in the finality of prophet hood”.
Ahmadiyya community, like Jinnah, tried to keep it as a Land of the Pure:
Ahmadiyya community submitted detailed Memorandum ( Mahzarnama) in answer to the above question and precisely clarify the issue of putting religion in the business of the state as well in following words:
“1. Is any Assembly in the world, per se, entitled to deprive an
individual of the basic right to exercise his free will to attribute
himself, to the religion of his choice? Or,
2. Is any Assembly in the world, per se, entitled to decide, by way
of interference in the domain of faith and religion, as to what it
considers to be the religion of any community, sect or individual?”

“We answer both these questions in the negative. In our view,
regardless of colour, race, and geographical and national
divisions, it is an inalienable right of every human being to
attribute himself to whichever religion he chooses, and no one in
the world, nor any organization or Assembly can deprive him of
this basic human right. The U.N. Charter of Rights, in the context
of guaranteeing basic human rights, also accepts this right of
every human being to attribute himself to the religion of his
(MAHZARNAMA/ T H E M E M O R A N D U M First Edition: 1999, Ghana
Decalaration of ‘Takfir’:
It is a surprising fact that the main question about Finality of holy prophet was not discussed during these proceedings as it was mentioned as the main issue for these proceedings.
Finally Armadis were declared Not Muslim by an amendment in 1973 constitution of Pakistan, after completion of whole house proceedings, on September 7, 1974.
Who were Takfiri :
Majority of Muslims sects in Pakistan, including sunni and shea, agreed on this declaration and next morning there were headlines like following:
“72 sects of Muslims declared Ahmadid/Qadianis Non-Muslim”
Post Takfir Era of compulsion in religion:
Ahmadis were declared Non Muslim in 1974 but they were still allowed to practice as Muslim until 1984.
In 1984 Pakistani Dictator Zia ul Haque issued an Ordinace XX to prohibit Ahmadis to pose as Muslim by any way.
Ahmadis were sent to Jail for reading Kalmia, writing verses of Quran, reading Quran, greeting like Muslims with words like “peace be on you” and for many other activities by which they could pose as Muslim.
Post Compulsion phase: Murder in the name of God:
Dr Israr, a Pakistani. Anti Ahmdiyya scholar mentioned that they could not produce a significant damage to Ahmadiyya community by existing laws.
Dr Asrar suggested that logical solution of Ahmadiyya issue was killing Ahmadis after declaring them Apostate.
Anti Ahmadiyya religious leaders encouraged public to kill Ahmadis after labeling them Kafir” (Indfidels) or Murtad (Apostate).
Many Ahmadis were killed in individual attacks and in gatherings and this process is still going on.
Takfir attacks other communities:
On the same lines as mentioned above, some Muslim religious leaders and their organizations in Pakistan openly declared Shea, as “Kafir” ( Indfidels) and encouraged their followers to attack shea community.
There were a lot of incidents of shea killings in last few years and it is still going on.
These terrorist organizations also accepted the responsibility of those killings but nobody got the final punishment by the state.
Government of Pakistan has not called any whole house special committee yet on “shea issue” like they did for Ahmadiyya issue in 1974.
Some members of shea community has labelled this group of killers as “takfiri”.
Artificial/temporary  solution:
After each of these attacks of mass murder of shea community, media shows that some shea and sunni muslim scholars are sitting together with comments of “shea-sunni Bhai Bhai”, means shea and sunni are brothers.
Some people make organizations with the name like, “organization of united Muslims” and think that it would prevent the next attack.
Government makes announcements to prevent any of the similar incidents of terrorism in future and to capture the culprits.
After all of the above, Terrorist again kill the innocent people and media and Government gives same old statements again and this process keeps going.

Real or permanent solution:   
State should tell the public that it is a none of your business to interfere with religious believes of other people.
State should also announce:
You may belong to any religion or caste or creed -- that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”
State should make and implement laws for hate crimes and punish the people who spread hate against other communities.
State should also clean the constitution and eradicate all laws which make religion, the business of the state.
Following and similar other laws which bring the religion into the business of the state should be deleted or repealed:
1.   Blasphemy law
2.   2nd amendment against Ahmadis/Qadianis, which declares them Not Muslim
3.   Ordinance XX against Ahmadis/Qadianis,which prohibit them to pose as Muslim

This would be the secular state of Pakistan where Shea, sunni, Ahamdi, Christian, Hindu and any other religious people could live as a citizen of Pakistan and could openly mention their different opinion to others without any fear.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Muzaffar Ahmad, the first civilian Pakistani, who caught the suicide bomber alive!

Muzaffar Ahmad, the first civilian Pakistani, who caught the suicide bomber alive!

“Aitzaz Hassan, 15, a student in Hangu district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, has become a national hero after tackling the bomber who came to attack his school on Monday, with hundreds of students inside.
“The office of Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif said it had advised president Mamnoon Hussain "to approve the conferment of Sitara-e-Shujjat (star of bravery) to Shaheed (martyred) Aitzaz Hassan.

I salute you Aitzaz, your courage is a role model for Pakistani teenagers and should be honored in the best manner.
Aitzaz Shaheed’s bravery reminds us about all those who showed extraordinary courage in worst case scenarios.
Muzaffar Ahmad is one of them, who caught the suicide bomber and handed over him to police and saved a lot of human lives in Lahore attacks on May 28, 2010.
It is said, that Muzaffar Ahmad is the first civilian Pakistani, who caught the suicide bomber alive without any use of weapon and handed over to the police.
Ahmadiyya community knows Muzaffar Ahmed very well but Most of the Pakistanis donot know much about him, why?
Answer is not very difficult.
You might have figured out the answer already or you would figure it out at the end of this article.

Muzaffar Ahmad was survived in the attacks by terrorists while Ahmadis gathered for Friday prayers in two Ahmadiyya mosques in Garhi Shahu and Model Town, Lahore Pakistan.
Total 86 were martyred and 124 injured during these terrorist’s attacks.
Let us read  Muzaffar’s story in his own words:
“My name is Muzaffar Ahmad. I am originally from Lahore, Pakistan
“ The terrorist opened the door. The distance between me and him was no more than 7-9 feet. As he opened fire I positioned myself behind the pillar as to avoid the spray of bullets. One whistled past me scratching the surface of my body. Blood started pouring from the wound. Noticing the fact that I was injured, the terrorist now turned his attention to the others in the hall. Seizing the opportunity I gathered my strength and charged at the terrorist, managing to grab his neck with one hand and the barrel of the gun with the other, which prevented him firing on anyone else. Due to the constant firing the barrel of the gun was scolding hot and burnt my hand. Despite this I managed to pin the terrorist to the ground and snatched his gun from him. However, the threat was not yet over as he now turned his attention to his suicide jacket. He was struggling to free his right hand in order to blow himself up. Had this happened it would have had devastating effect. In the meantime other Khuddam arrived to help and tied down the terrorist.”

Many time questions with ‘Why?”, as mentioned above, are also raised for many other personalities like Chaudry Zafrullah Khan and Dr Abdus Salam.

Why Dr Abdus Salam is not mentioned in Pakistani media even though he got Nobel Prize for Pakistan?
Why Chaudry Zafrullah Khan, first foreign minister of Pakistan, judge of international court of Justice and president of UN general Assembly, is not mentioned in Pakistani media?
Answer to each of the above mentioned “why?” is very simple: He is Ahmadi, Qadiani or Mirzai.
Muzaffar was also lucky as well in one way, that he was not arrested for posing as Muslim.
Muzaffar was in the mosque to offer Juma prayer.
Suicide bomber could file case against Muzaffar that he was in mosque for Friday prayers and was posing as Muslim.
Ahmadis are not allowed to pose as Muslims by any way as per ordinance XX of Pakistan.
Many cases has been filed against Ahmadis for practicing as Muslims and using Islamic terminologies.
Ahmadis were arrested for saying Kalima, saying Assalamo Alikum, writing Bismillah and posing as Muslim by many other ways.
Recently, a 72 year old Ahmadi, Masood Ahmad was arrested in Pakistan for the crime of “Posing as Muslim”, when he recited Quranic verse and recorded by someone on cell phone as an evidence for the crime.

Let us consider another scenario, a terrorist comes and attacks Ahmadis while they are offering Namaz (prayer) or reciting Quran or doing other Islamic activities.
If some Ahmadi catches that terrorist, and hands over to the police, that terrorist can file a case against Ahmadis for the crime of offering prayer, reciting Quran and Posing as Muslims.
So Muzaafar Ahmad was not only survived in that attack but also luckily saved from the criminal case of posing as Muslim.

Ay Muzaffar, tujh perr Salam (Salute to You, Muzaffar!): You are lucky as well as brave Pakistani Ahmadi Ghazi! in many ways and someone still remembers you.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

An established fact, a cliché, a knee jerk response: "Bhutto declared Ahmadis Non Muslim"!

Nadeem F. Paracha writes in his recent article, "The 1974 ouster of the ‘heretics’: What really happened? ":

"But I believe panning Bhutto for introducing legislative and constitutional expressions of bigotry has become too much of a cliché. It’s become a somewhat knee-jerk reaction, and an exercise in which the details of the 1974 event have gotten lost and ignored in the excitement of repeatedly pointing out the starling irony of a left-liberal government passing a controversial theological edict."

After reading above lines from Mr. Paracha, here is the composition of my thought process.

Bhutto’s government declared Ahmadis  non-muslim in the 2nd amendment of the 1973 Constitution.

Qadianis/Ahmadis were still calling themselves Muslim and acting as Muslim.

So, Zia proceeded to the next step and issued the ordinance XX, which prohibits Ahmadis to act as Muslim and, in case of violation, it punishes them.

According to Dr. Asrar (late) and other Mullahs, a third and final step is needed: to give capital punishment to Qadianis after declaring them “apostate” or “Murtad”.

As of now, if this third step of death punishment for Ahmadis  is practiced by some ruler, some intellectual would say it is too much of a cliché and knee-jerk reaction to blame that person for the cruelty while Zia and Bhutto passed laws against Ahmadis in past.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah could have had the status of Bhutto by declaring Ahmadis non-mulsim, but he did not bow down to religious extremists like Bhutto did.

I want to quote Yasser Latif Hamdani from his article on Pak Tea House:

“As a secular liberal Jinnah could not imagine how someone who considered himself Muslim could be called something else.

He said:

‘I have been asked a disturbing question, as to who among the Muslims can be a member of the Muslim Conference. It has been asked with particular reference to the Qadianis. My reply is that, as far as the constitution of the All-India Muslim League is concerned, it stipulates that any Muslim, without distinction of creed or sect, can become a member, provided he accepts the views, policy and programme of the Muslim League, signs the form of membership and pays the subscription. I appeal to the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir not to raise sectarian questions, but instead to unite on one platform under one banner. In this lies the welfare of the Muslims. In this way, not only can Muslims make political and social progress effectively, but so can other communities, and so also can the state of Kashmir as a whole.’

Mr. M. A. Sabir tried as hard as he could to persuade the Quaid-i-Azam to declare Qadianis as being out of the fold of Islam. But the Quaid-i-Azam stuck resolutely to his principle and kept on replying: `What right have I to declare a person non-Muslim, when he claims to be a Muslim’.

(23rd May, 1944,  Srinagar)”


No logic can take down Bhutto’s status as being the first ruler to declare Ahmadis non-Muslim or Zia as a successor who pushed it to the next level when he prohibited Ahmadis to practice their faith.

When Bhutto’s fans give credit to Bhutto, they praise him for a particular action but when they try to avoid a wrong action, they shift the blame by claiming that the national assembly of that time made the decision.

When a fact is reproduced as a knee-jerk response, it is also called a universal or established fact, like “The sun rises in the East”.

Some one could say tomorrow that it is a cliché and knee jerk response to mention Taliban and their allies as extremists.